Welcome to Akritas Katoikies in Koroni Messinia Greece
Your ideal summer destination!
Θα ξανάρθουμε!
Και του χρόνου πάλι εδώ! Οικογενειακώς!
Μιχάλης Δ.
Very nice vacation…
Great relaxing atmosphere! We enjoyed it to the full!
Robert S.
Thank you Akritas!
Thanks for those great moments of peace!
Mike J.
What a vacation!
Paradise still exists! Very quiet, nice rooms, great atmosphere!
Jane M.
Ήταν όλα εξαιρετικά! Περάσαμε υπέροχα! Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ!
Σοφία Γ.
It is the most well preserved Mycenaean palace discovered so far. The palace is believed to have been built in the 13th century BC by King Nestor, who is memorialised by Homer in his epics. Located at a distance of 45km. from Akritas villas.